HR Information Management System in modern age


HR Information Management System in modern age

A software that centralize employee master data to support core HR functions is known as Human Resource Information System (HRIS). These applications are used to improve efficiency, develop workflow, collect & store information that is critical to manage HRM functions of the organizations. (Saheem & Festing, 2018) From the era that the large paper files with employee details were maintained which was complicated to store, trace data & also which could be easily lost or damaged now the record keeping of HRM has changed to virtual platforms with HR Information Management Systems. HR Information Management systems used today provides multiple benefits to HR managers including one place for all HR functions, integration of data, accuracy, ability to self-service, automated functions, storing of confidential documents with proper security, administrative benefits & management of recruitments. (Khera, 2012)

The advantages of HR Information Management System are not only applicable to the Human Resource Department or Human Resource Management officials; it is also benefit the employees in multiple aspects. In early ages the applying of a leave, overtime, marking of attendance & many more related functions were done manually which also created an additional work for employees as well. But today with the implementation of HR Information Management Systems even the employees have been able to complete many of the communication & activities involved with HRM Department from just one click.

In the era that the everything is moving into automation & digitalization, for a firm that is not having HR Information Management System, many challenges could occur such as overloading work at HR Department, difficulty to provide manual reports, missing of top level talents & also when the firm is failed or delay to meet the needs of the employees the employee turnover ratio also could be increased. (Hanif, 2011)

The next level of HR Information Management System moves to further advanced platforms with the concept of the i-HRIS which integrate the artificial intelligence to the HR Information Management Systems. Submission & evaluation of employee applications & resumes through digital forms, gathering of employee referrals through artificial intelligence based smart technology & use of chatbots to ensure engagement in conversation are becoming the next level developments in HR Information Management Systems. (Lina, 2019)



Hanif, F. (2011) “Impact of human resource information system (HRIS): Substituting or enhancing HR function,” SSRN Electronic Journal [Preprint]. Available at:

Khera, S. (2012) “Human Resource Information System and its impact on Human Resource Planning: A perceptual analysis of information technology companies,” IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 3(6), pp. 6–13. Available at:

Lina, M.A. (2019) “Human Resource Information System (HRIS): An important element of modern organization,” Global Disclosure of Economics and Business, 8(2), pp. 61–66. Available at:

Saheem, W. and Festing, M. (2018) “Human Resource Management – A National Business System Perspective,” The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(14), pp. 1863–1890. Available at:



  1. HR practices and procedures within a company might be given new life by HRIS software. These are the main advantages of HRIS software, albeit they may vary based on the system or modules a company chooses.


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