Way forward in HRM


Way forward in HRM

Ages ago Human Resources in organizations were considered as a cost. But as the time moves on & things in organizational structure started to change the people in the organization started to consider as an asset & also as an important component of the business. When the evolvement of the HRM is considered the concept of command for employees has changed to communicate by now. The trust, mutual respect, mindfulness, equality, openness to diversity & relationship management with the employees are the recent HRM best practices that affect positively on the organizational sustainability. (Santanna et al., 2022)

Today the employees are given with the best possible freedom for the innovation. Creativity opportunity given by allowing employees to spread their wings allow them to reach the highest boundaries of the employee potential. (Hoyrup, 2012)

Subsequent to the pandemic remote working & working from home concepts started to becoming popular. Worlds’ most known firms such as Apple, Google & Microsoft are focusing on the possibilities for allowing their employees to work remotely & it is expected that over 74% of the firms in USA would adapt to hybrid work models in near future. Future of HRM would focus more on the outcome irrespective of the work location or ordinary working hours. (Felstead, 2022)

Enabling gender equality while creating workplace safer for women & LGBT community, further without discriminating based on skin color, disability & other differentiations also becoming blooming trends in HRM. Assisting single parents & working parents by providing daycare centers attached to office locations & encouraging of paternity leave system which allows the paid holiday for both parents after the birth of child also another trend that are demanding from the HRM tomorrow. (Garabato et al., 2018)

Many organizations are now focusing on developing these new trends in HRM at their organizations in order to face the competition in hunting the best talents & also to ensure the employee satisfaction at higher degree.


Felstead, A. (2022) “Remote working and the employee,” Remote Working, pp. 75–98. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003247050-5.

Garabato, N., Gardner, J. and Nyce, S. (2018) “Global developments in employee benefits,” Oxford Scholarship Online [Preprint]. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198827443.003.0012.

Hoyrup, S. (2012) “Employee-driven innovation: A new phenomenon, concept and mode of Innovation,” Employee-Driven Innovation, pp. 3–33. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137014764_1.

Santanna Mônica, Valle-Cabrera, R. and Ulrich, D. (2022) in New Directions in the future of work. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.


  1. Now HR should always be a source of assurance and encouragement, no matter the situation .

  2. This factor determines not only the progress of the subject but also the progress of a country by doing human resource management correctly. This article is very succinctly so it can be read without being boring.

  3. The article clearly brief how the modern HRM function . how ever this topics can be divide in to many different topics to explain .

  4. The future of HRM is exciting - technology is changing the way we work and the way we manage our people. It's important to stay up to date with the latest trends and developments, such as AI and machine learning, to ensure that HRM is well-equipped to handle these changes and to drive the organization forward. By leveraging the latest technologies and developing strategies to manage employee engagement and satisfaction, HRM can ensure that organizations remain competitive and successful in the future.


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